About us
The Českolipský Evergreen Choir was founded in 2010 and was founded by former members of the Českolipský children's choir. Over time, more singers joined us and even the first male member appeared, who we hope will not be alone among us for long. At present, our choir has more than 20 members.
We work closely with the Česká Lípa Hospital, where we regularly make the stay of patients in the LDN department more pleasant.
We also organized a performance for the Maternitas association in a facility for the elderly in Nový Bor, where we will definitely be happy to return.
Most performances always await us at Christmas times, when we regularly perform at the Christmas markets in the Ambit Museum in Česká Lípa, we participate together with other choirs in Christmas concerts (eg. Czech Christmas Mass by J. J. Ryba, Czech Carol Mass by A. Hradil, Truvérská Mass by P. Eben ..) and we do not forget about individual performances with our own repertoire. In 2018, the Christmas concert took place in the Hussite Church in Česká Lípa and we also received an invitation to the Church of St. Wenceslas in Malá Bukovina.
For the last two years we have also been collaborating with the Art School in Žandov, with whose children's choir we have recorded a CD. We regularly and very gladly perform at their events, when they always create a great background for us. And we always have a very accommodating audience here.
You could also hear us at the events on Water Castle in Česká Lípa.
Year 2019
he was very rich in concerts and performances with other choirs. In February, we accepted an invitation to a wine tasting in Žandov, where we are already a traditional guest and we are very happy to participate in this event. A charity concert for UNICEF was waiting for us there in March.
In May, we sang at the chateau in Zákupy at a meeting of regional organizations for the physically and disabled. We create souls, and in June we did not miss the Night of Churches. Together with two other choirs, we performed in the Dean's Church of St. James the Greater in Česká Kamenice.
The very next Tuesday, December 17, we made ourselves especially happy when we visited the LDN department of the hospital in Česká Lípa with our songs.
Our independent concert on December 20 in the church of Master Jan Hus in Česká Lípa was also of great interest to the audience, when visitors also contributed to the repairs of this beautiful monument with their voluntary admission. And this was not the last concert, it was still before us in Malá Bukovina, where we really like to go to a great audience. On December 27, our presentation was broadcast online via the municipality's website.